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TPCS Cloud ERP for Tanneries

Recipe management
Wetblue/crust/FG leather stock
Job card for tracking work-in-progress
Chemical batch and Jobcard costing
Tannery ERP


for Tanneries

Recipe management
Wetblue/crust/FG leather stock
Job card for tracking work-in-progress
Chemical batch and Jobcard costing

Improve traceability and track your cost of production at every stage

Recipe calculation with bar-code saves up to 20% of chemical consumption

Be assured of up to 98% visibility of lot history from Raw / wetblue / crust / finished leather

Recipe calculation with bar-code saves up to 20% of chemical consumption

Be assured of up to 98% visibility of lot history from Raw / wetblue / crust / finished leather

TPCS Scope at a Glance.

Tannery ERP



Meticulously organize your recipe in TPCS Tannery ERP 

and repeat the finish of the leather every time.

Tannery ERP
  • Organize your recipe in TPCS Tannery ERP and repeat the result for your customer every time
  • Record and repeat recipes based on batch quantity by capturing all the changes for the articles made during production
  • Calculate chemical requirements of the job-card for your drum/ finishing spray process with perfect accuracy
  • Save up to 50%  manpower by moving away from time consuming excel to the efficient  Recipe system  that enables integration of  chemical requirement planning,  procurement of  chemical  and  release of indent with just a few clicks

Easily manage assortment of leather in wet-blue and crust

for accurate stock valuation as per grades and cost of the lot.

Tannery ERP
  • Assort leather at different stages- raw/wet-blue/crust—for easier tracking and addition to stock
  • Enjoy the flexibility of entering the cost of each grade during the selection process of the assortment
  • Assortment of leather in Raw and Wet-blue Stage with cost allocated as per grade gives you the comparison of the procurement and market price and helps you identify the most profitable lot during procurement
  • Maximise gains and adjust the loss incurred at the time of procurement by calculating the Grade-wise price allocated to the lot when the leather is issued for production

Save costs up to 20%

by maintaining perfect records of raw, wet-blue/crust and finished stock.

Tannery ERP
  • Maintain your stock of raw, wet-blue, crust and finished leather stock
  • View and maintain your stock based on the grade, origin, thickness, substance and stage
  • Save cost up to 20% by maintaining accurate and updated records on raw, wet-blue/crust and finished stock
  • Save up to 20% of your inventory cost by overcoming the risk of accumulated leather stock
  • Make timely decisions on clearance of your old stock through stock aging with lot numbers

Enjoy optimized visibility of lots in production

through job-cards for tracking and tracing.

Tannery ERP
  • Improve visibility up to 98% for tracking and tracing your lots in your production through Job-cards

  • Scan and record every operation of your production process through job-cards

  • Easily trace and track each job-card at any stage during production through scanning with the help of handheld computers

  • Create and issue multiple Job-cards for any stage of production to meet specific requirements such as from wet-blue to crust and crust to finish stage

  • Record rejection and rework of a particular job-card and simultaneously create a new job-card for rework production

Be ever-ready with costing and job-cards

to manage shortcomings.

Tannery ERP
  • Issue leather and chemical to a job-card and generate job-card costing at every stage of your production

  • Print job-card by your production team and issue chemical/leather by scanning the barcode with handheld computer

  • Track the yield of your leather and know the shrinkage for each job-card

  • Generate article-wise costing to know which article and colour contributed to your profitability

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Tannery ERP

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T: +94 112 826 159/169/189


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